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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Alter Windows Explorer’s ‘Favorites’

Alter Windows Explorer’s ‘Favorites’.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
Drag folders to the top left of the screen from within Explorer 
and then organize them however you like. Right-click and select 
remove to get rid of anything you don’t want. 

PL/SQL command

step-1 create a table

create table student(stdRollNo number, stdName varchar2(25), 
stdClass varchar2(25));


vid number:=1;
vname varchar2(25):='xyz';
vclass varchar2(25):='X';
insert into student(stdRollNo, stdName , stdClass)

Liberally use Windows 7’s Jump Lists

Liberally use Windows 7’s Jump Lists.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
You can access the Jump Lists by right clicking on any icon 
in the taskbar. You’ll find recently used documents, along 
with certain app-specific functions (such as setting your 
IM client to ‘Away’). One little time-saver: You can pin a 
Web URL to your browser’s Jump List by dragging that URL to 
the browser icon in the taskbar (do this by clicking on the 
mini icon in the URL bar).

Default to the Documents Library

Default to the Documents Library.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
In Windows 7, when you launch Windows Explorer, the view automatically 
defaults to the Libraries Folder, which for many users is not very 
useful. Busy types will typically drill straight to the Documents 
Library from there. Save a click by instructing Explorer to default to 
the Documents Library. To do this, right-click on the Windows Explorer 
shortcut (the taskbar shortcut won’t work). In the Target field, type or 
paste: %windir%\explorer.exe ::{450D8FbAAD25-11D0-98A8-0800361b1103} 
Finally, replace the icon in the taskbar with your tweaked shortcut.

Power up the ‘Send To’ feature

Power up the ‘Send To’ feature.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
When right-clicking a file in Windows Explorer, hold down  before 
you click and then select the Send To command. Windows will reveal 
a whole host of additional options, such as one to move the file to 
an often-used folder.

Use Outlook’s categorization system.

Use Outlook’s categorization system.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
Outlook lets you color-code messages, task-list items, calendar 
entries, and even contacts into as many as six categories. 
Figure out a system and stick to it: red for business, for 
example, and blue for personal items. Or color-code items by 
level of urgency: green for “must do today,” blue for “to do 
this week,” and yellow for “to do this month.” 

Select multiple files easily

Select multiple files easily.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
Using the or  keys to select multiple files in Windows Explorer 
can be difficult and an invitation to commit errors. If, however,
you frequently need to open or manipulate multiple files at once,
turn on Windows’ Check-box system—it lets you select files more 
easily. In Windows Explorer, you can find this setting under or 
ganize Folder and search options View. Scroll down and select Use
check boxes to select items; then click OK.

Make important e-mail more findable.

Make important e-mail more findable.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
Just change the subject lines. Few things are more annoying than 
receiving an important e-mail message that carries a clueless 
subject like “hey” (or worse, an empty subject line). A more 
meaningful subject line improves your search index 
and makes your e-mail thread more valuable in general. In Outlook, 
open the message(this tactic doesn’t work with just a preview), 
select the subject line, and type over it with the more-useful text
you want.

Don’t constantly check your e-mail

Don’t constantly check your e-mail.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
Frequent checking breaks your concentration and interrupts what 
you’re doing, wasting time as you return your focus to the task 
at hand. Reduce how often your e-mail client checks for new 
messages to something less distracting: Every 10 or 15 minutes 
should give you time enough to focus without keeping people 
waiting overly long for a response. In Outlook, click S and tweak 
the digits for ‘Schedule an automatic send/receive every minutes’.

Drag in Outlook

Drag in Outlook.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
In Outlook, you can drag any item to any other area of the 
program, and it will create a new item there, with the dragged 
information as part of the new item or event. Drag an e-mail 
to the Contacts button, and it will create a new contact for 
the sender, automatically populating the Name and E-mail fields, 
and putting the body of the message in the Notes field. Drag a 
contact to the Calendar, and you’ll create a Meeting Invitation 
ready to be sent to that person, and so on.

Rename files fast

Rename files fast.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
Renaming lots of files in Windows Explorer? Select the first 
file in your list, press , and type the new name. When finished,
press  instead of . Explorer will jump you to the next file in 
the list and automatically select the entire file name so you can 
rename it without having to press the  key. Continue pressing 
and you’ll zip through the list one file at a time. 

Improve Windows Search.

Improve Windows Search.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
If Windows Search isn’t finding everything that you know you’ve 
saved, check the Windows Indexing Options (type indexing options
into the Windows 7 Start Menu search bar), and then check the 
locations that are included in the search index. Click Modify, 
and navigate through the C: drive to add more locations to index. 

Customize your browser’s default search engine.

Customize your browser’s default search engine.
These tips apply primarily to Windows 7

Source: PC World
Your PC builder has likely preset Internet Explorer’s default 
search engine to the one that’s paying it the most. Otherwise, 
it’ll be set to Microsoft’s liking: Bing. Change this setting 
by clicking the drop-down arrow in the top right corner of the 
IE window (within the search box), and click Find More Providers. 
You won’t find Google without a hunt, so type Google into the 
‘Find add-ons…’ search box, and select the first result, Google 
Search Suggestions. Click Add to Internet Explorer, and at the 
pop-up, click Make this my default search provider. 

Delete command

Delete command
delete student
where stdAddress='kota'

select command

select command
stdName, stdAddress is field
table student
select stdName 
from student
where stdAddress='kota'


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