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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

create table command in SQL

create table command

create table student(stdRollNo number, stdName varchar2(25), 
stdClass varchar2(25));

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hide your drives

Hide your drives

Note: do it on your own risk.

  • How to Hide the drives(c:,d:,e:,a:…etc) This is a great trick you can play on                                   your friends.  To disablethe display of local or networked drives when you                                        click MyComputer.
1.Go to start->run.Type regedit.Now go to:

  • Now in the right pane create a new DWORD item and name it                                                         NoDrives(it is case sensitive). 
  • Now modify it’s value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) .
  • Now restart your computer. So, now when you click on My 
    Computer, no drives will be shown(all gone…). 
  • To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this DWORD                                         item that you created.Again restart your computer.You can now see all the                                          drives again. Its cool Magic.

Protecting a folder using dos in windows98

Protecting a folder using dos in windows98

NOTE: do it on our own risk.

  • The following method works for windows98
  • with help of following method u can create folder that can not be accesed                                            from explorer , not even deletd .
  • folder that cannot be accessed from the Windows Explorer: Open MS-DOS                                       prompt, type mkdir followed by a space, then hold ALT key and type 251. Then release ALT
  • Now you can save there anything you want to hide. Windows 
    Explorer cannot display the content of this folder. You can 
    use these numbers instead of 251: 
    158, 159, 169, 176 to 224, 226 to 229, 231 to 240, 242 to 245, 
    247, 249, 252, 254 and 255.
    For me, only 176, 249, 251 and 254 worked. 
  • To access this folder from windows,
just rename it into a normal name. To do so, 
open MS-DOS, enter the directory, 
where your folder is placed and type ren followed by a space
then hold alt and type the number, that you used when you created 
your folder. Press space again and then type the new name of your 
folder. Press enter.
  • It's simple. Assuming ur file system is fat32 and u r using windows 98 second edition                           (i think it works in xp also). First go to the location using dos (either dos full mode or                           the ms-dos in windows start menu). Rename the folder using the ren command and                            rename it to ascii mode (with a secret code). U should not forget this code. No one else                        will can delete or open the folder.
Eg.: C:\ Games (this is the folder I've on my C drive)
I go to dos start->; programs ->; ms-dos 
dos window will open.
C:\ ren games Alt+158 (here we are renaming the games folder using the 
Alt key & a three digit number on the numpad (only numpad, it's 
important). U need to press the Alt key and the three digit code at a 
time. The code can be any three digit less than 255 (in my opinion) u can 
try Alt+164, Alt+176 etc. 

Ur folder is renamed & locked too at the same time

Now u won't see the games folder it'll be written in some ascii code 

Again to open the same go to dos and rename it using the ren command.

Eg: C\ ren Alt+158 games

Friday, October 8, 2010

WAP to using putch (),putchar (), fputchar (), putch (), fputchar ()

/*WAP to using putch (),putchar (), fputchar (), putch (), fputchar (),*/
main( )
 char  ch = 'A' ;

 putch ( ch ) ; 
 putchar ( ch ) ;
 fputchar ( ch ) ;
 putch ( 'Z' ) ;
 putchar ( 'Z' ) ;
 fputchar ( 'Z' ) ;

WAP of take user input for continue using getch( ), getche( ), getchar( ), fgetchar( )

/*WAP of take user input for continue using getch( ), getche( ), getchar( ), fgetchar( )*/
main( )
 char  ch ;

 printf ( "\nPress any key to continue" ) ;
 getch( ) ;  /* will not echo the character */

 printf ( "\nType any character" ) ;
 ch = getche( ) ;  /* will echo the character typed */

 printf ( "\nType any character" ) ;
 getchar( ) ;  
/* will echo character, must be followed by enter key */ 
 printf ( "\nContinue Y/N" ) ;
 fgetchar( ) ;  
/* will echo character, must be followed by enter key */ 

WAP to Formatting

/*WAP to Formatting*/
main( )
 int  i = 10 ;
 char  ch = 'A' ;
 float  a = 3.14 ;
 char  str[20] ; 

 printf ( "\n%d %c %f", i, ch, a ) ;
 sprintf ( str, "%d %c %f", i, ch, a ) ;
 printf ( "\n%s", str ) ;

WAP of Formatting2

/*WAP of Formatting2*/
main( )
 char  ch = 'z' ;
 int  i = 125 ;
 float  a = 12.55 ;
 char  s[ ] = "hello there !" ;

 printf ( "\n%c %d %f", ch, ch, ch ) ;
 printf ( "\n%s %d %f", s, s, s ) ;
 printf ( "\n%c %d %f",i ,i, i ) ;
 printf ( "\n%f %d\n", a, a ) ;

WAP to Formatting strings with 't' tab

/*WAP to Formatting strings with 't' tab */
main( )
 printf ( "You\tmust\tbe\tcrazy\nto\thate\tthis\tbook" ) ;

WAP to Formatting strings with printf( )

/*WAP to Formatting strings with printf( ) */
main( )
 char  firstname1[ ] = "Sandy" ;
 char  surname1[ ] = "Malya" ;
 char  firstname2[ ] = "AjayKumar" ;
 char  surname2[ ] = "Gurubaxani" ;

 printf ( "\n%20s%20s", firstname1, surname1 ) ;
 printf ( "\n%20s%20s", firstname2, surname2 ) ;

WAP to formatting integer

/*WAP to formatting integer*/
main( )
 int  weight = 63 ;

 printf ( "\nweight is %d kg", weight ) ;
 printf ( "\nweight is %2d kg", weight ) ;
 printf ( "\nweight is %4d kg", weight ) ;
 printf ( "\nweight is %6d kg", weight ) ;
 printf ( "\nweight is %-6d kg", weight ) ;


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