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Friday, June 25, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Search word by vb program

Search word by vb program

'controls       Property        Setting

'Textbox1        Name            txtText
'                Caption           -

'Textbox2        Name            txtWord
'                Caption           -
'Label1          Name            lbl
'                Caption          Enter Text

'Label2          Name            lbl
'                Caption          Enter Word for search

'Label3          Name            lblResult
'                Caption          

'command1        Name            cmdSearch
                Caption           OK

'                        CODE

Private Sub cmdSearch_click()
Dim lenmain as Integer, lenword as Integer
Dim word as String, flag as String

flag =0
lenmain =Len(txtText.text)
lenword =Len(txtWord.text)
for a=1 To lenmain

If word=txtWord.text Then
End If
lblResult.Caption = Str(flag)
End Sub

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Listen Text that u write

Text Speech

1. Open notepad and paste the following code 

Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text","Talking machine")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

2. save the file with .vbs extension,
   Example: TextSpeech.vbs 

   it will create a VBScript File.

3. Double click on TextSpeech.vbs file 
4. input the text and press ok and listen.


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